Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tool Belt Diva Report

Once upon a time there was a lovely family who bought their adorable son a basketball goal for his birthday. Realizing that basketball goals are very durable, they cemented it 3 feet into the ground and then filled the post full of concrete just for extra posterity. What the family underestimated was the ingenuousness of a bored son.

A year later the son was bored one afternoon and decided that the backstop was a lovely target for shooting hockey pucks and BB's. Mortified, the son did not tell anyone that he had not only shot holes in the backstop but also shot hockey pucks through it. Sadly for the boy, the mom had not just fallen off the turnip truck and noticed right away that the backstop was compromised.

Another year later, the family was still trying to figure out how to get the goal down. The mother tied a chain to the goal thinking she could pull it down with her truck. Well she did but the stump that was full of concrete still remained. After several months of pondering, a contractor was called and his only suggestion was call a bobcat and have them lift it. Well there is more than one way to skin a cat so the Tool Belt Diva borrowed a sawzall. Since it was battery powered, it wasn't strong enough to saw through the heavy metal and concrete. Each day, the mom went out with a hack saw and worked little by little on the hideous eyesore. After 5 days of sawing(the mom works out so apparently is stronger than a sawzall) the Tool Belt Diva noticed she had compromised the integrity of the metal enough to possibly push it with the truck. The truck was put into 4 wheel drive and driven ever so gingerly up to the post. Then with one push of the gas, the score was as follows:

Stump of a Basketball Goal: 0
Tool Belt Diva: 1

The mom proceeded to put the truck in park and get out to admire her handiwork then jumped up and down with arms in the air looking around just hoping a neighbor was looking out the window to admire the handiwork to no avail. The Tool Belt Diva is a "Can Do" kind of girl.

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