Friday, September 27, 2013

The Secret to Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are fun.  Some are extremely complicated, some not as much.  There are 500 pieces, 1,000 pieces, or 20 pieces.  Some of the pictures you try to put together are extremely complicated like a sea of candy corn.  Others have a variety of colors and pattern so they are not as difficult to piece together.  Have you ever tried to piece together a puzzle with no box top?  No guide as to what the finished product should look like?  Does it make it even harder to work the puzzle?

Life is like a huge puzzle with many pieces.  Some parts of life are complicated to put together.  Other parts are not as hard.  The fact remains that we do not have the box top to know what the big picture is.  God holds the box top.  Our lives are His story.  He is the best screenwriter there has ever been.  He holds the picture of what our life ultimately will look like.  

If we don't have the guide, the picture, the box top, then why do we continue to work so hard to put all the pieces together?  It would be so much easier if we just sit back and watch the show, God's show, and "perform" as we feel led instead of trying to control every little piece of our puzzle or every little aspect of our lives.  When we try to work the puzzle with all the pieces and no box top, we are basically doing an exercise in futility, having to work and rework the puzzle ultimately getting frustrated and mad with life.  

We are like little children sitting at the feet of Jesus.  Everything from our perspective looks gray, muddled, and messy.  But one day, God will set us up on His lap and show us what it all meant.  Give us His perspective and let us see our box top that He had all along.    May we all sit back and watch the show.  May we sit back and be led and allow God to place our pieces.  We will all be more peaceful, more relaxed, and more content when we realize that God has the answers and someday He will share them with us when he sets us on his lap in Heaven.
I was not actively searching for the great things that are going to be announced on Monday with my blog.  I was simply sitting back, watching the show, and moving as I felt led.  Each day telling God that where He steps I will follow.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine where God has taken me through this blog.

When I started writing my blog, I didn't even know what I would write about because my thoughts were so random.  But through the vision of one woman who sent me the link to how to start a blog comes the amazing launch of something incredible happening in my life.  I wasn't trying to work and rework my puzzle pieces into something I dreamed up.  I was simply sitting at the feet of Jesus, moving as I felt led, and sitting back and watching the show.  Well, I sure hope you are excited to hear what my news is.  Two more days and I will be revealing what God has been doing.  You won't be disappointed!  

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  Without readers I would not be where I am today.  Please share my blog and subscribe to receive updates when I write something new.  Stay tuned to this blog for the big announcement on Monday!  

Have a great weekend!

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