Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mother of the Year

Mother of the year is a status that can be surely achieved for serving donuts for dinner and lost in the next day when you forget you told your child you would have lunch with them. It is a hypothetical achievement of perfection that no one really ever succeeds in try as we might. The truth of the matter is that in our own kids eyes we are all mother of the year. We all think we have the best and that is the way it should be. God gives us the best mommy for us. 

I saw a sure shoe-in for mother of the year at Walmart yesterday. If she isn't mother of the year she should be for picking her battles. She had the best behaved little boy in Walmart. He was pushing the buggy, staying right with her, not begging for a thing, and was smiling and happy. I sort of kept running into them all through the store so I feel like I had a good sampling of his behavior throughout their trip. I figured out what their morning before they came to Walmart must have been. His mom decided that when he wanted to wear what he wore to Walmart that it was not worth the argument to have him put on proper clothes to shop. In exchange, she got a very happy, well behaved little fella to shop with. No, this outfit is not appropriate for Walmart in June. 
Or is it?  I assure you that this boy will not go to college wearing inappropriate clothing to Walmart. I give Mother of the year to this boys mom for deciding that she would rather have a peaceful shopping trip to Walmart than a boy that is dressed in clothing that the general public would consider acceptable. 

Each battle I ask myself, "Am I trying to be right or do I just want to be happy?"  

I choose happiness and so did this mom. I almost went up to her and told her how much I admired her for letting him come like that and how peaceful they were in the store. Mommy was happy and so was the little dragon boy. I love it. 

Don't fight to be right. Just be happy. 

Thanks for reading my blog!  Have a terrific Tuesday!!


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