Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Carpe Diem

I took three years of Latin. I could speak Latin 20 years ago. Now, all I know is Carpe Diem. It means seize the day. Every day we wake up and have a new day to seize. To live for The Lord. To be Jesus to someone. To look for the best in everything. Pain is inevitable, misery is optional. 

The best piece of advice I ever received was from a fine lady in a fabric store 12 years ago. We were discussing sewing and I was an avid seamstress. I sewed clothing for my children, smocking, French hand sewing and embroidery. I mentioned to the lady that one day I want to make a quilt. But that I was not going to do it now but wait until my children were grown. And then she uttered a sentence that has gone down in my personal history as the best piece of advice I ever received. She said, "If you want to make a quilt you should not wait until your kids are grown. I said the same thing. Now look at my hands. (They were crippled with arthritis). I can't make a quilt now because my hands won't allow it. I wish I had made a quilt when I wanted to because now that I have time I can't."  I went home that day and started my quilt. I finished it a short time later. I could not be more proud of my quilt. 

I applied this advice across the board. It applies to everything. If you want to do something, do it!  We will never have "time" to do things we want to do. If you want to travel, then travel. When you retire, your health may not allow it. If you want to run a race then run one. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. If you need some inspiration then go wade in a creek. Go slide down a slide, go sit at the park and watch the children play. God tells us to make ourselves like little children. They are uninhibited. 
Go observe them and learn from them. Be in the moment. Make a quilt, fly a kite, watch the birds. We are not guaranteed another moment so live without regret. 

Seize the Day. It is yours to seize. 

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