Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fat Burning Solutions

Words cannot express how humbled I am at the outpouring of love and commentary about the story of my girl and her hearing loss.  Never in a million years did I realize that people would be so interested in my stories.  It is just everyday life to me.  I have some fabulous stories to share about her discovery of the world of hearing but today I have some more tips on burning fat.

Please share the link to my blog with anyone you would like to.  The more visits and commentary we get the closer I get to being able to getting advertisements on my blog that cause it to be a moneymaking site for me.  If you like what you read, then comment on the blog comments at the bottom of each post and subscribe to the blog which will allow you to get email or text message when I write a new post.  Thanks for all your support.  Now on to fat burning:

Fat burning is the most mysterious thing that I have ever encountered.  If you have read any of my blog thusfar, you know that I am anti-diet, anti-cardboard eating, anti-deprivation when it comes to losing weight. Before you fill up on yogurt this morning that you don't even really like, check the label of it.  Most yogurt is Full of SUGAR and will build belly fat faster than you can imagine.  Even Greek yogurt has a lot of sugar in it.  There are better choices.  ANYTHING that has a healthy label on it that you think is good for you, read how much sugar is in it.  It is astounding.  Greek yogurt is great for a dessert option because it has a lot of protein in it, most of the time around 11 grams.  Remember, higher protein, lower sugar.

Take your Apple Cider Vinegar and make sure it is undilluted(which makes it nastier and healthier).  Take your coconut oil like a good girl or boy.  Coconut oil speeds your metabolism.  Visit my pinterest page for more uses of coconut oil on my board "Products I Love"  Visit my pinterest page by clicking on the icon on the right top of my blog page.

NOW!!  Finally I am going to share the secret to fat burning.  I wish I had known this before now lest I would have never spent my life overweight.  I figured out the problem.  

When you use shampoo in the shower the suds run all down my body.  You can't help but let the suds run.  I read on the bottle of shampoo, and they all say it no matter what kind you use, "Adds volume and extra body"  This has been the problem all along.  My shampoo running down my body has been adding extra body and volume making me fat all my life.  Well, I have a solution for us.  I started washing my hair in Dawn dishwashing liquid.  On the label it reads, "Dissolves Fat that is otherwise Hard to Remove"  Problem solved!  And it is great for oily hair.

If you call me and I don't answer, I am in the shower.

Now this is a point to ponder.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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