Yesterday I ran the Middle Half Marathon in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. It was by far the best run race I have ever performed. I began to think to myself, "What made this race different than other races?" Then I compiled this blog post on the anatomy of a half marathon PR. I blew my previous PR in the half marathon distance to pieces yesterday with an 11 1/2 minute improvement. What did I do that helped me get that much better?
First of all, all the stars were aligned which is imperative for a Personal Record. The weather was perfect, low humidity, temp in the high 50's to start, 60's at finish. The course was perfect. It was flat and it was a course design that had us passing those who were in front of us, and also those behind us at numerous points on the course. It was very distracting and also entertaining to be watching people for folks you know along the way as well as a real treat to cheer on the first place man and the first place woman. For me personally, I enjoyed seeing the person who was in last place. I cheered louder for her than the person in first place. She was the real winner in my book because she was like Nike-she was just doing it. She is the one I want to be like. The one who is working hard toward her own goal. I have been that person in a race before. The last one. It was a couple of years ago in the Goodlettsville 10 Miler. I was in last place. Escorted by the medic truck and the police. I had the best time ever in that race. I beat everyone sitting at the Cracker Barrel and IHOP. And so did the lady who was last yesterday.
I had been doing a lot of core work at home to strengthen my back and core and abs. I do what I call 30/30/30 every day. Some days I forget but most days I do it. 30 Sit ups, 30 squats, 30 push ups, 30 second plank. I believe this has made a world of difference in my running speed. I have discovered that strengthening your core will make you a stronger runner. Recently I added 30 Superman's to my routine. It helps strengthen my back too. Here is a picture of me doing a superman in the mud at the mud run if you don't know what a Superman is :)
Running farther than your race distance will help you get a good time in a race also. If you are used to running 17 miles in training, then 13.1 will be an easy trot for you. This is what I discovered yesterday. I am currently training for the Goofy in Disney World in January. It consists of a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday back to back. 39.3 miles. So my training runs have been in the 17-19 mile range lately. I remember yesterday looking down at my watch at mile 3 thinking "Oh I only have 10 more miles. I am totally going to beat my best time today." What have I allowed myself to become??? ONLY 10 more miles?? That is forever, but not in my mind. 10 miles is like walking to the mailbox to me now.
Our group on a training run that is always made better with popsicles that one of our girls drops in a secluded location so we can have one as a pick me up along our route!
Speedwork, whether it consists of Yasso's or hill repeats will increase your ability and decrease your time. I generally do hill repeats which is running up and down a hill over and over and over again. Yasso's is running 800M as fast as you can, resting a 1/4 mile then doing it again over and over again. Both create a machine in yourself. Here is a link on how to do Yasso's.
Having a support system is key. My running club is like my family. We all run together, we laugh together, we cry together, we pray together, we do life together. Without them, I would not get out the door to run most days.
Crazy as it may seem to many, the decision to start running barefoot has improved my speed tremendously. Read my blog post called Barefoot Running-A New Endeavor and Consumer Report. It tells exactly who I think barefoot running will appeal to and who will benefit from it. Here is the link to that post: It is definitely not for everyone and I would not recommend it to everyone or anyone for that matter. I am saying it works for me :)
Of course, it didn't hurt that my race number said "Groovymom" on it...
My last thought is one that actually makes me mad. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Last October, I was down to the smallest I had ever been in my adult life. But at that weight, I could not run a half marathon. I could only run a couple of miles. So I am now 10 pounds heavier, and I run great. So as mad as it makes me, I will admit that I run better heavier than I do thinner. I like the way I look thinner, but I like the way I run heavier. I just feel better. Honestly, last October, when I was eating very little to lose weight, I felt bad. I think my weight it stabilized now, and I am still much thinner than I used to be, but not as thin as I was last year. I am trying to accept this. It is hard for me. But heavier, I knocked 11.5 minutes off my personal best time at the half marathon distance. I can't argue with that.
My race strategy was simple. I walked through the water stops so I could get a good drink without throwing water all over myself. I ran the rest of the way. I am very proud of that accomplishment. I was consistent with my pace. The whole race I was consistent. I stayed focused, listened to music, watched the people, ran by feeling not by watch.
All the stars were aligned for me yesterday. For that I am grateful. It is wonderful to come home to your family and be able to bask in the glow of personal accomplishment. We are not our best selves if we give up everything about ourselves to be a mom, wife, dad, father, etc.
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Have a great day!